Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Titanus : The Battle for Gaia (Part 2)

Group name : ZElementZ

Group members :
Tan Tsu Shen     C18627
Lee Wooi Yee   C18734
Leow Kean Tat  C18363
Lim Ken Gee     C18802
Melisa Lim        C18788

(Continued from previous post ...)

Game play / Game Mechanics:

Special Features of the game :
1. Wormholes

- Practically the teleport structure capable of sending units to the next adjacent square upon stepping on it and player’s choice. It will trigger Attack Sequence if the other side of the wormhole has units from opposing nation.

- Subject to weather conditions.

2. Hills/Rivers 
- The secret passages/shortcut to another nation.

- Takes 10 rotations to build.

- Once built, player’s units standing adjacent to their respective Hill/River will be considered at adjacent range to their enemies’ units (Even though the opposing nation has not finished building their secret passage).

3. Weather 
- Based on 4 different weather carries 4 different effects:-

A) Blizzard
- Construction of bridges on Rivers are halted for the corresponding
player having this weather card on effect.

B) Sunny (Clear Day)

- Neutral Effect, no negative nor positive effect. A good day to send 

your troops to die.

C) Earthquake
- Construction of bridges on Hills are halted for the corresponding
player having this weather card on effect.


D) Sandstorm
- Wormholes cannot be entered as long as this weather is on effect for
       the corresponding nation. Units standing adjacent to the wormhole
       will be sent over immediately IF there is no opposing nation units
       at the adjacent squares on the other end (triggering an attack
       sequence if there is any units) if the Sandstorm weather


The game is split into 2 phases, Buying phase --> Moving phase as 1 rotation.

Preview : The board during gameplay
(Weather Card Deck in the center, with each nation's having a weather card picked during Buying phase and placed at their corner)
(Coins of nations is kept at their side as well)

Buying Pase

The phase whereby players gain coins based on a die's roll per rotation (Is not valid during first turn of each nation's game play)
- Then the nation chooses to buy any units based on the prices stated below AND select the weather of their nation based on the weather cards at the center of the board

Warrior - 3 Gold Coins
Archer - 4 Gold Coins
Magus - 5 Gold Coins
Lance Knight - 9 Gold Coins

(All Pawns used in this game are paper-made with the labels "W" for Warrior , "A" for Archer, "M" for Magus, "L" for Lance Knights)

Attacking Phase

- The first nation to start will move each unit available based on dice rolls. (Every unit goes by only 1 die roll except Lance Knight which goes by 2 simultaneous dice rolls)

- Player can choose to skip some unit's movement albeit to defend their nation.

Victory Condition : All units cleared within the nation and an enemy nation's unit is Adjacent to the Headquarters (Labeled by the name of the respective nation - SUN,MOON,ARMS,CROWN).

Preview of the board with units on it.

Titanus : The Battle for Gaia (Part 1)

Group name : ZElementZ

Group members :
Tan Tsu Shen     C18627 
Lee Wooi Yee   C18734
Leow Kean Tat  C18363
Lim Ken Gee     C18802
Melisa Lim        C18788

Game Title : Titanus : The Battle for Gaia

Overall Review : 
This is a Turn-Based Strategy(TBS) board game. Its main goal is to Command and Conquer , similar to C&C computer franchises like Red Alert and Tiberium Wars.

Board Preview :

Contents used : Mahjong Paper (For board) , Dices(x3), Cards(x12), Coins (x80).

The game can be played by 2 to 5 people. The 5th person will be in charge of the coin handling and  weather management, easing the burden of the 4 players. (He is then known as the "Mercenary").

Each player is to receive the following items upon start of the game :
A Flag of the Nation of their Choice (SUN,ARMS,MOON or CROWN) - Symbolises their command over a nation,

Coins(x12) (Below is the preview of the coins used);

Explanation of game play shall be further endorsed in the next post.

Blitzkrieg: Battleship Board Game

This is our main board which consists of all our materials.
We used: Pawns, Dices, Paper, Pencil and a coin
Ships can be moved in its own territory only depending on its type.

This is a portion of the special effects the tiles have. For example in this picture we have the ? tile.
It means we have to flip the coin. If heads we draw a card, If tails we skip a turn.
We have 7 different types of cards and multiple of them.

This is the board game when being played between two players. Any ship that has taken damage will be recorded down by 2 different players recording for 2 different players.

This is our recording sheet of paper.
We use pencil to mark which ship has taken damage and if it has no more remaining hit points it is then removed from the Battleship board.
The Ships hp are:-
Basic ship - 2 HP
Destroyer ship - 3 HP
General ship - 4 HP

This is an example of the ships territory and position. They can be position randomly
Basic ship in Blue tile.
Destroyer in black
General in Yellow

This is our Blitzkrieg: Battleship Board Game
By: Prakash, Melvin Lim, Saw Tze - Jie, Ch'ng Seng Leong and Ooi Ken Yong