Thursday, August 26, 2010

Title: Congkak Name: Andrew Sin Chun Ming

Materials: A Congkak board, 98 identical seeds.

Constitutive Rules
-Each player is given control of a set of holes and an additional store.
-One set of holes contain 7 holes.
-Each hole contains 7 seeds except the stores which will remain empty.
-Player’s score is the number of seeds in their left-hand store.
-Players take turns moving the seeds except in the first move which is performed simultaneously.
-During a player’s turn, player removes all the seeds from a hole under their control of their liking and distributes them evenly in each hole (one in each) clockwise from chosen hole.
-During distribution, the player skips opponent’s store but not player’s own store.
-If the last seed falls into an occupied hole, all the seeds will be removed from that hole and distribution continues from that hole.
-The process continues until the last seed falls into the player's store, or an empty hole.
-The player earns a free turn if the last seed lands in the player’s own store.
-If the last seed falls into a hole controlled by the current player, the player captures all the seeds directly across from the hole the last seed falls into, on the opponent’s side.
-When all seeds are relocated into stores, the game is over.
-The player with the highest score wins.

Operational Rule
-The player is forced to skip turns as long all holes under the player’s control has no seed in any of them.

Implicit Rule
-Undo not allowed.
-Minimum and maximum of 2 players only.

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