Title: Music Catch ( http://home.scarlet.be/~bbonte/portal/mus
iccatch.html )
Game Description:
This sketch is similar to the original game. Size and the amount of shapes appearing during the song are playing. Main purpose: Use the cursor to collect as many shapes as possible to increase your points score.
Blue shapes: Gain points
Green shapes: Gain points
Red shapes: Decrease the points multiplier on your cursor
Yellow shapes: Increase the point multiplier on your cursor
Purple shapes: Suck whatever color of each shape except red shapes
Gameplay description:
Initially, the cursor is in small in size, the function is to collect all the shapes. When you collect the yellow shapes, your cursor will grow larger due to adding your multiplier points into it that allow you to take in more shapes and gain more points as usual. As for red shapes that you have collected, it comes to a cons, that is decreasing the multiplier size of your cursor, avoid collecting the red shapes. Be aware that, when your cursors grows larger, the percentage of accidentally collecting red shapes are high.
The more yellow shapes collected, the larger the cursor you obtained, however, it is difficult to avoid the red shapes that appearing simultaneously.
Positive aspect 2: Interface and controls is simple.
There is no clicking involved, theres only hovering the mouse to collect the shapes and avoid the red shapes.
Negative aspect:
The game always keep playing the same music from start to the end.
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