Thursday, September 17, 2009

Checkers Evolved 0.1 BETA

TITLE : Checkers Game
YEAR : 2009

Checkers Evolved Ver. 0.1 BETA

The Board
8 x 8 Squares

General Rules
I. The game can only be played by two players, with each player in control of eight coloured disks. (Sixteen in total) The disks’ colours are usually black and/or red.
II. A coin is flipped to decide who starts first. The winner of the flip decides who will go first.

Gameplay Rules
I. All disks can only move forward, and not backward.
II. All disks move diagonally.
III. Once a disk reaches the other end of the board, it gains an ‘Elite’ status.
IV. An ‘Elite’ disk can move forwards and backwards freely, and can move up to three squares forward.


I. A player can capture an opponent’s disk if his disk is adjacent to it.
II. The disk must jump over the opponent’s disk, and take its place.
III. If there is another disk behind the red disk, then it cannot be captured.
Victory Conditions
I. A player wins if all the opponent’s disks are captured.
II. Or if the opponent concedes the match.

Checkers Evolution is a modification of the common board game Checkers. The rules are different, but the victory condition is the same. Capture all your opponents pieces.

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