Thursday, September 17, 2009


TITLE : Checkers Game
YEAR : 2009

Checkers Board

8 x 8 squares
Checkers Rules
1. Checkers is played by two players. Each player begins the game with 12 colored discs. (Typically, one set of pieces is black and the other red.)

2. There are altogether 64 squares on the board, 32 red square and 32 black squares

3. Each player must place his 12 pieces of piece on the board the correct places

4. Roll the dice to select first player to move the piece

5. When a capturing move made, is the player piece jump over opponent piece to make the move. Each round can make several jump if necessary.

6. When a piece is captured, it will be remove from the board.

7. If one or more capture is available, the player is free to choose whichever he or she prefers.

8. When a piece reaches the opponent place and is end of the board, it will become king.

9. Every piece only can move forward except king can move backward and forward.

10. King can move 2 step every round but other piece only can move 1 step.

11. A player wins the game when all of the opponent’s piece are capture. If the opponent remain last piece but cannot move any step, it means draw.

Game Description
Checkers are the most common board game, and the rules are simple and easy to play. But before every move made, we need to decide properly because sometimes 1 single wrong move will cause the player lose the game. And in order to win every single game is to capture all of opponent’s pieces.

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