Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Name : Cheng Kah Chun C16700
Title : Checkers Board Games
SoftWare : Game Maker 7.0
Name : Christopher Chew
Student ID : C16710
Title : Checkers Board Games
Software : Game Maker

Checkers Game

Name : Yew Cong Jie
Student id : 16737
Title : Checkers Game
Year : 2009
Develop Software : Game Maker 7.0
Genre : Board Game

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Checkers Evolved 0.2 BETA

Student Name:- Khoo Teng Jinn
Student ID:- C16363
Game Name:- Checkers Evolved 0.2 BETA
Software Used:- GameMaker 7





Checker Game

TITLE : Checkers Game
STUDENT ID : 16405
YEAR : 2009


Tan Yen Khoon
C 16699
Game Maker 7.0

Name: Tay Cze Yang
Student ID: 16320
Game name: Chekers
Software: Game maker

Checkers Game

Student ID : 16720
Game : Checkers Game
Software : Game Maker

Thursday, September 17, 2009


TITLE : Checkers Game
YEAR : 2009

Checkers Board

8 x 8 squares
Checkers Rules
1. Checkers is played by two players. Each player begins the game with 12 colored discs. (Typically, one set of pieces is black and the other red.)

2. There are altogether 64 squares on the board, 32 red square and 32 black squares

3. Each player must place his 12 pieces of piece on the board the correct places

4. Roll the dice to select first player to move the piece

5. When a capturing move made, is the player piece jump over opponent piece to make the move. Each round can make several jump if necessary.

6. When a piece is captured, it will be remove from the board.

7. If one or more capture is available, the player is free to choose whichever he or she prefers.

8. When a piece reaches the opponent place and is end of the board, it will become king.

9. Every piece only can move forward except king can move backward and forward.

10. King can move 2 step every round but other piece only can move 1 step.

11. A player wins the game when all of the opponent’s piece are capture. If the opponent remain last piece but cannot move any step, it means draw.

Game Description
Checkers are the most common board game, and the rules are simple and easy to play. But before every move made, we need to decide properly because sometimes 1 single wrong move will cause the player lose the game. And in order to win every single game is to capture all of opponent’s pieces.


The board is square, of 8 by 8 cells. The smaller squares are alternately light and dark colored. Each player has a dark square on his far left and a light square on his far right. The double-corner is the distinctive pair of dark squares in the near right corner.
The pieces are Red and White cylindrical shape pawns, 12 of them for each color. Pieces are played on dark squares on the board.
The dice are 2 normal six-sided cubic, marked on each of its six faces with a different number of 1 to 6.
The starting position is with each player having twelve pieces, placed on the twelve dark squares closest to his edge of the board.
Moving: A piece which is a normal pawn can move one square, forwarding diagonally left or right to another vacant square, while a king piece can more one square diagonally left or right, both forward or backward, to another vacant square. Exceptions, see Twist below.
Jumping: Capture an opponent piece (pawn or king) by jumping over it, diagonally to the adjacent vacant square beyond it. The three squares must be lined up (diagonally adjacent). A king can jump diagonally, forward or backward. A pawn can only jump diagonally forward. Multiple jumps can be made with a single piece if above conditions are fulfilled. In a multiple jump, the jumping piece can change directions, jumping first in one direction and then in another direction. You can only jump one piece with any given jump, but you can jump several pieces with a move of several jumps. You remove the jumped pieces from the board. You cannot jump your own piece. You cannot jump the same piece twice, on the same move. If you can jump, you must. And, a multiple jump must be completed; you cannot stop part way through a multiple jump. If you have a choice of jumps, you can choose among them, regardless of whether some of them are multiple, or not. A piece, whether it is a king or not, can jump a king. Exceptions, see Twist below.
Kinging: When a piece reaches the last row (the King Row), it becomes a King. A second checker is placed on top of that one, by the opponent. A piece that has just kinged can not continue jumping pieces, until the next turn.
Red moves first. The players take turns moving. You can make only one move per turn. You must move. If you cannot move, you lose. Players normally choose colors at random, and then alternate colors in subsequent games. Exceptions, see Twist below.
Winning: All opponent pieces captured.
Twist: Whenever a player’s king makes a jump (single or multiple), that player gains an option. Option can be used to Pass a turn, or gain additional parameter (Speed or Initiative) on any king piece, last for a turn. Option must be chosen before throwing dice. Player loses an unused option whenever his king is captured.
Passing: Allows the player a chance to pass a turn, or make the opponent miss a turn, without making move or jump. After choosing to pass or to gain an extra turn (opponent is forced to pass), 2 dice are thrown, if both dice shown different numbers, passing is succeeded, else if same number shown, passing failed. You must play different pieces (regardless of pieces’ statuses) on both turn.
Speed: Allows a king to move more squares in a move (same direction). Additional speed gained diminished after the first jump are made (multiple jumps must be completed). 2 dice are thrown, the lower number are taken (in case of same number on both dice, that number is taken), and indicates the speed of the king in that particular turn. Additional speed left must be used. All pieces have base speed of 1. So if number 4 is taken, the king gained 3 more speed; while if number 1 is taken, no additional speed is granted.
Initiative: Allows a king to make more moves in a turn. Same as Speed, additional moves gained diminish after the first jump is made and multiple jumps must be completed. On first additional move, the king’s direction must not be same as the previous move. Moving back to the last square occupied are also not allowed. Additional moves left must be used. 2 dice are thrown, other conditions are same as throwing dice for Speed - no additional move granted if number 1 is taken.

By Ong Zhan Quan, 16566

New Style Checkers Game

TITLE : Checkers Game
YEAR : 2009

Checkers Board

8 x 8 squares

Checkers Rules
1. Checkers is played by two players. Each player begins the game with 12 colored discs. (Typically, one set of pieces is black and the other red.)

2. The board consists of 64 squares, alternating between 32 dark and 32 light squares.

3. Each player places his or her pieces on the 12 dark squares closest to him or her.

4. Flip a coin to decide which who start first

5. A piece making a capturing move (a jump) leaps over one of the opponent's pieces, landing in a straight diagonal line on the other side. Only one piece may be captured in a single jump; however, multiple jumps are allowed on a single turn.

6. When a piece is captured, it is removed from the board.

7. If more than one capture is available, the player is free to choose whichever he or she prefers.

8. When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king.

9. Kings are limited to moving diagonally, but may move both forward and backward ( 2 step per move ) .

10. A player wins the game when the opponent cannot make a move. In most cases, this is because all of the opponent's pieces have been captured, but it could also be because all of his pieces are blocked in.

Game Description
This game is a modification from the original checkers game . The game only using some simple control , player just need use mouse to click and move the disk . In the game there have no save game and undo function to ensure the balance , so player must think clearly before make a move. A player wins the game when the opponent cannot make a move. In most cases, this is because all of the opponent's pieces have been captured, but it could also be because all of his pieces are blocked in. There are AI functions in the game and player may choose either challenge with other player or play with computer.







1. This game can only be played by two players on a board that is made up of 64 alternately-coloured squares where players can move the uniform pieces by jumping over the enemy’s pieces.
2. One player has the dark piece and one has the red piece.Each player has 16 pieces.
3. Both players flip a coin to determine which player starts first by selecting heads or tails.
4. The player moves the pieces diagonally and the pieces of the opponents are captured by jumping over them.
5. Players can play on both surfaces.The black and the red surface.
6. Once a square is occupied other piece can’t move into it.
7. The piece that is captured is automatically removed from the board.
8. When the player has no more pieces or cannot move,then the player has lost.
9. When any of the players piece manages to move across to the opponents territory,then the players will be granted a king.The king piece is different from other pieces.The king can move diagonally to other squares and can move backwards.The king can even jump from one end to the other end.
10. When a players is given a chance to capture the enemy’s piece,the player must capture it.If the player fails to do so,then the piece will be considered as captured and it is removed from the

This game is a modification of the original checkers game.It has a slight changes where the pieces in the game can move in both squares.In the original checkers game,players can only move in the black squares.The game has an AI function as well where the AI mostly tries to break the players defences and crosses to other players territory in order to obtain a king piece to ensure their victory.This is mostly based on strategy and planning,you cant move the piece without planning.The AI will just counter you move as u move further.Before that,you have to select the AI’s difficulty.There are 5 difficulty selections easy, medium, advance, expert and master.I would recommend the easy difficulty for the beginners.Master is for the professional players that have played and gained experience.Before that,the masters difficulty will only be unlocked after you have beaten all of the difficulty including easy,medium,advance and expert.

Checkers Board Game

Game Creator: Tan Yen Khoon
Game Name: Checkers
Genre: Board Game
First references to checkers game are found as early as 1600 B.C in Egyptian paintings and inscriptions at time of the Pharaohs. In England and Scotland this game is called 'draughts' (pronounced as 'drafts'). There are many versions played worldwide. At PlayJava you can play one of the most popular -- Anglo-American
Basics and rules
Checkers is a game for two players. It is played on an 8x8 checkered board, with a dark square in each player's lower left corner.
Pieces move only on dark squares which are numbered. Numbers are used to record the moves, for example, if Red moves from square 9 to square 13, then it is recorded as: 9-13
Each player controls its own army of pieces (men). The player who controls Red pieces moves first. The pieces (also known as 'men') are arranged as shown on the left.

How to play
1. Checkers is played by two players. Each player begins the game with 12 colored discs. (Typically, one set of pieces is black and the other red.)
2. The board consists of 64 squares, alternating between 32 dark and 32 light squares. It is positioned so that each player has a light square on the right side corner closest to him or her.
3. Each player places his or her pieces on the 12 dark squares closest to him or her.
4. Black moves first. Players then alternate moves.
5. Moves are allowed only on the dark squares, so pieces always move diagonally. Single pieces are always limited to forward moves (toward the opponent).
6. A piece making a non-capturing move (not involving a jump) may move only one square.
7. A piece making a capturing move (a jump) leaps over one of the opponent's pieces, landing in a straight diagonal line on the other side. Only one piece may be captured in a single jump; however, multiple jumps are allowed on a single turn.
8. When a piece is captured, it is removed from the board.
9. If a player is able to make a capture, there is no option -- the jump must be made. If more than one capture is available, the player is free to choose whichever he or she prefers.
10. When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king. One of the pieces which had been captured is placed on top of the king so that it is twice as high as a single piece.
11. Kings are limited to moving diagonally, but may move both forward and backward. (Remember that single pieces, i.e. non-kings, are always limited to forward moves.)
12. Kings may combine jumps in several directions -- forward and backward -- on the same turn. Single pieces may shift direction diagonally during a multiple capture turn, but must always jump forward (toward the opponent).
13. A player wins the game when the opponent cannot make a move. In most cases, this is because all of the opponent's pieces have been captured, but it could also be because all of his pieces are blocked in.
The goal in the checkers game is either to capture all of the opponent's pieces or to blockade them. If neither player can accomplish the above, the game is a draw.

Checkers Evolved 0.1 BETA

TITLE : Checkers Game
YEAR : 2009

Checkers Evolved Ver. 0.1 BETA

The Board
8 x 8 Squares

General Rules
I. The game can only be played by two players, with each player in control of eight coloured disks. (Sixteen in total) The disks’ colours are usually black and/or red.
II. A coin is flipped to decide who starts first. The winner of the flip decides who will go first.

Gameplay Rules
I. All disks can only move forward, and not backward.
II. All disks move diagonally.
III. Once a disk reaches the other end of the board, it gains an ‘Elite’ status.
IV. An ‘Elite’ disk can move forwards and backwards freely, and can move up to three squares forward.


I. A player can capture an opponent’s disk if his disk is adjacent to it.
II. The disk must jump over the opponent’s disk, and take its place.
III. If there is another disk behind the red disk, then it cannot be captured.
Victory Conditions
I. A player wins if all the opponent’s disks are captured.
II. Or if the opponent concedes the match.

Checkers Evolution is a modification of the common board game Checkers. The rules are different, but the victory condition is the same. Capture all your opponents pieces.

Checker Board Game

Title :Checker Game
Creator :Yew Cong Jie
Genre :Board Game
The Board

64*64 squares
General Rules
-The game can only be played by 2 players on the board that made up with 64 alternately colored and each person choose 1 color to start the game. But if the one who choose red start 1st.
-This game only can move forward can’t move backward.

The rule set
Who moves first?
The red pieces always move first in Checkers.
Which side do I play?
If you want to play the red pieces, start by moving a red piece. If you want to play the white pieces, click anywhere on the upper half of the board (the computer will move a red piece).
How do I move a piece?
Drag a piece with the mouse. When you let up the mouse button, the computer assumes that your turn is over.
It won’t let me make multiple jumps!
Yes, it will. When you jump multiple pieces, you need to drag your piece over the first piece you want to jump, and into the empty square beyond it, and then continue dragging over the second piece you want to jump, and into the empty square beyond that. Do not release the mouse button until you are finished making all your jumps.
How do I play?
Checkers is played on the dark squares only. A piece may move one square at a time, diagonally. If one of your pieces is next to one of your opponent’s pieces and the square beyond it is free, you are required to jump over the opponent’s piece. The opponent’s piece is then removed from the board. It is possible to jump many times in a row with the same piece, capturing several of your opponent’s pieces.

In the beginning, pieces can only move and jump forward. However, if a piece reaches the far end of the board (in the case of the person playing red, the top), then it becomes a king. (In checkers, a king is usually signified by stacking two checkers one on top of the other. In this program, the king has a star on it.) A king is allowed to move and jump diagonally backwards and forwards. Kings can be captured like any other piece.
How do I win?
You win by capturing all of your opponent’s pieces, or by blocking them so that they cannot move.
What version of checkers is this?
This is straight, American checkers. No long jumps.
How come it forces me to make a jump?
It’s one of the rules of checkers. Checkers strategy is built around the idea that you force your opponent to jump in order to get them into a bad position.
How come it forces me to make a move?
That’s another one of the rules of checkers. If you touch a piece (in this case, if you click on it with the mouse), then you have to move it. So, if you’re not going to move it, don’t click on it. You have been warned.
Does the computer always win?
Nope. It plays a terrible endgame. It’s actually only about average.

The Game Description
- Be the first to capture all of your opponent's pieces or corner your opponent from moving any remaining pieces and you will win.
- Master Checkers is a board game which will let you match your skills against a computer opponent. Well, the idea of the game is to capture all of your opponents pieces, or block them so that they cannot move.

Checker Board Games

Title : Checker Board Game
Creator : Christopher Chew
Year : 2009
Genre : Board Game

General Rules :
1. This game is play by 2 player , 1 player choose 1 color to start the game either is white color or black color , it have 64 small square boxes inside the checker board .
2. Player will given 12 disks to play the game and also a coin to flip see who will be attack 1st .

The Game Rules :
1. In official games, five minutes are allowed for each move. In the case where there is only one possible jump available, the player has only one minute in which to make it.
2. Before the first move is made, either player can adjust the position of any piece on the board.
3. All jumping moves are compulsory. Every opportunity to jump must be taken.
4. When a player’s piece lands in one of the squares at the far end of the board, its move ends there and it becomes a king.
5. A player wins by either capturing all of the other player’s pieces or putting them into a position where they cannot move.
6. After it is decided who makes the first move, neither player is allowed to leave the board without the permission from the other player.
7. Tourneys played under the straight ‘Knock-out’ style of play shall consist of as many games as are found necessary to eliminate one of the contestants.
8. Both state that any dispute that these rules don’t cover should be decided by a “disinterested arbiter” who has knowledge of the game and that arbiter’s decision shall be final.

Final Description :
Checkerboard lets you play checkers against your computer against different opponents. The built-in AI engine plays checkers at superhuman strength with an huge opening book and endgame databases with perfect knowledge of all positions with 6 pieces or less (8-piece database available as optional download). You can save, load, analyze and publish games. Further goodies are a database of grandmaster games and a checkers tutorial by English grandmaster Richard Pack. The database is searchable by player name or by position. Engines for other checkers variants (Italian, Spanish) are also available.

Checkers Game

TiTle : Checkers Game
Creator : Cheng Kah Chun ( C 16700 )
Year : 2009
GENRE : Board Game

General Rules :
1) Checkers is a two-player game, where one player is assigned white checkers and the other red. Each player has 12 checkers to start the game
2) The game is started in the position shown below on a checkers board consisting of 64 squares in an 8x8 grid. The red player moves first.Then each player takes a single turn. In fact, a player must move in turn. In other words a move cannot be skipped.

The Game Rules :
1) The red pieces always move first in Checkers.
2) A move consists of placing one checker on a different square.
3) Captures or 'jumps' are mandatory. If a square diagonally in front of a man is occupied by an opponent's piece, and if the square beyond that piece in the same direction is empty, the man may 'jump' over the opponent's piece and land on the empty square. The opponent's piece is captured and removed from the board.
4) You win by capturing all of your opponent’s pieces, or by blocking them so that they cannot move.
5) This is straight, American checkers. No long jumps.
6) If, after making a capture, a piece is in a position to make another capture (either along the same diagonal or a different one) it must do so, all as part of the same turn.
Capturing two opposing pieces in a turn is called a double jump, capturing three pieces in a turn is a triple jump , and so on.
7) If you have a choice of jumps, you may choose among them, regardless of whether they are multiple or not.
8) When a single piece reaches the last rank of the board by reason of a move, or as the completion of a 'jump', it becomes a king; and that completes the move, or 'jump'.
A King can move in any direction and 'jump' in any direction one or more pieces, as the limits of the board permit. The King can only jump diagonally over one adjacent piece at a time, in any of the four diagonal directions. Multiple jumps apply to kings as well.

Final Description :

Draughts or checkers is a group of abstract strategy board games between two players which involve diagonal moves of uniform pieces and mandatory captures by jumping over the enemy's pieces. Draughts is played by two people, on opposite sides of a playing board, alternating moves. One player has dark pieces, and the other has light pieces. The player with the dark pieces makes the first move unless stated otherwise. Pieces move diagonally and pieces of the opponent are captured by jumping over them. The playable surface consists only of the dark squares. A piece may only move into an unoccupied square. Capturing is mandatory. A piece that is captured is removed from the board. In all variants, the player who has no pieces left or cannot move anymore has lost the game unless otherwise stated.

Checkers Game (MOD)

TITLE: Checkers Game
YEAR: 2009
GENRE: Board Game

Game Rule

- The game need 2 players to start the game, each player will be given 12 disks at the start of the game.
- In order to determine which player start the move first, they will flip a coin and each player select either head or tails.
- Every player given 1 minute to think and move his disk, if the time is over the turn will be turn to the next player.
- Every turn each player can use the turn to move a disk or capture an enemy disk.
- Player moves the disk diagonally and the disk of the opponent is captured by jumping over them. After the capture the opponent disk the player can choose either move the chess diagonally after the capture the opponent disk just like the example below.

- Player who success move the disk to the enemy final row of square will make the disk upgrade.
- The disk being upgrade will be able to move diagonally in one direction per turn.
- Game ends once each of the player disk finish capture by other.
- The player will be given one mark every disk capture and 3 mark every upgraded disk capture. For the rest of the disk in the board, each disk will be count 1 mark to the player.
- Player who scores the highest mark will be winner.

Game Description

This game is a modification from the original checkers game. The game only using some simple control, player needs just using the mouse to move its disk. In the game there have no save game and undo function to ensure the balance of the game. The player who scores highest mark will be the winner and not the player who sustain until the end of the game. There are AI functions in the game and player may choose either challenge with other player or play with computer.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Red Alert 3

The game I think is a bad game, is a new game call Red Alert 3 is a bad game because there are nothing special in the game. The previous version the game called Red Alert 2 is better than Red Alert 3 because in Red Alert 2, there is something really special that other games don’t have.
What I can see from the balance issues I almost want to say that it reminds me of Starcraft without the unit limitations, and that every team gets a super weapon. I personally think that throwing the Japanese team in the game wrecked it even more since it was originally about beliefs. At least in the RA 2, when the yuri came in to expansion, he had a belief that everyone should listen to him and his wants and rather than taking away special abilities and changing how many units and types of units there is, they made yuri equivalent to the other 2 races.
And after playing RA 3, the music in the game is bad too compare to Tiberium sun. compare with RA 3 and Tiberium sun, Tiberium sun is way more better than RA 3 because in Tiberium sun, there are a lot of special thing, example: they have Alien team with different tank and space ship, and the aircraft from GDI can fly to space and to enemy base to attack them.

By: Tay Cze Yang (16320)

Midnight Club L.A Remix

Midnight Club L.A Remix (often shortened to Midnight Club: L.A. or MCLA) is the fourth video games in the Midnight Club series of racing video games. The game was developing by Rock Star San Diego. The game play has been noted for its "extreme difficulty".
You know, I wish for a minute that Rock star had taken the driving mechanics from the Midnight Club series and put them in GTA IV because then I might have made fewer trips through my car's windshield and been able to whip around the city like the true bailer I am. While that wasn't meant to be, Rock star did deem the PSP worthy for inclusion in its most recent round of street racing games, launching Midnight Club: L.A. Remix for Sony's struggling handheld. Thankfully, rather than rushing together a sloppy port job, you can tell that Rock star took its time with this one, and the result is yet another terrific racing game on the PSP.
The first appearance of Midnight Club on the PSP was memorable for the fact that the load times were longer than the races themselves. In fact, I can remember actually falling asleep once during a particularly lengthy load. Thankfully, Midnight Club: LA Remix features significantly shorter load times and you'll spend more time racing than you will staring at load screens. And with all that extra time to spend racing, you'll find LA Remix to actually be kind of fun.

LA Remix is a street racing game set in Los Angeles and Tokyo. You don't get detailed virtual versions of these cities as you do in the console versions of the game, though. The LA in this game could pass for just about any large city, and Tokyo looks similar to LA, but with lots of neon. This isn't entirely unexpected for a portable game, though, and besides, most of the time you'll be driving too fast to enjoy the scenery. There's some virtual traffic on the streets that you'll need to avoid while racing, but neither city is all that crowded.

The game's script is pretty typical for a street racing game. You're an unknown racer trying to race your way up the ranks and gain enough creed to race the champions and earn the right to be known as the best street racer in town. To accomplish this you check your map for available races or answer calls on your cell phone that will let you know where to find particular street racers to challenge. Anyway, I doubt anyone plays these types of games for the story, so let's move on to the racing."

By : Christopher Chew C16710

Super Mario

Super Mario
The player takes on the role of the star of the series, Mario. The objective is to race through the Mushroom Kingdom, survive Bowser's forces and save Princess Toadstool.Players may gain one point of health for Mario if they pick up a mushroom, which allows them to take extra damage from most enemies and obstacles. Players are given a certain number of lives, which are lost from Mario incurring too much damage, falling in a pit, or running out of time. Mario's primary attack is jumping on top of enemies, though many enemies have differing responses to this. For example, a Goomba will flatten and be defeated, while a Koopa Troopa will temporarily retract into its shell, allowing Mario to use it as a projectile.These shells may be deflected off of a wall to destroy other enemies (though they can also hurt Mario).An alternate way to damage enemies is with the Fire Flower, an item which allows players to shoot fireballs. A less common item is the Starman, which often appears from concealed or otherwise invisible blocks. This makes Mario temporarily invincible to most hazards.The game consists of eight worlds with four sub-levels in each world.
Super Mario Bros. popularized the side scrolling genre of video games and led to many sequels in the series that built upon the same basic premise. Almost all of the game's aspects have been praised at one time or another, from its large cast of characters to a diverse set of levels. One of the most-praised aspects of the game is the precise controls. The player is able to control how high and far Mario or Luigi jumps, and how fast he can run.
But,I feel this is not suitable of us,because it is a children game,so nt so suitable of us,no changlle, no 3D,that sound is not so clear..

By : Cheng Kah Chun C16700

Harry Potter

I had been playing games for several years. Most of them are very nice and attracting. But there is one game call “Harry Potter”, which failed to attract my attention to continue playing it. The game “Harry Potter” is a RPG (Roll Playing Game) type. The graphic is 3D.

The main complain I want to make for this game is, the game “Harry Potter” didn’t follow the original story line of the story books. Which made it’s a bit kind of blur when collecting clue to solve the quest and pass to the next level. Furthermore, it leads the player to the misunderstanding of the original story for Harry Potter. Beside the developers for this game aren’t creative enough. The spells of fighting were representing by only a simply kind of color ray. Furthermore, the graphic of the characters in the game is running out of shape. Well, overall actually it is ok. But that is not what I’m expecting.

Besides, the map design for the game “Harry Potter” is very not tidy and blur. It’s easily lead the newbie to the loss even with the mini map help. Perhaps they should improve on the map describing and name. Because the map description is very simple and not very details.

The next thing I want to complain about is the BGM which is background music for the game. The BGM for the game is very ignoring and very noisy. Keeping on repeating the same music on the certain map. Which making the player feeling very not comfortable to playing it. Beside, the music is real sucks. The developer should make some improvement on this in order to let the player to enjoy playing the game but not making the player to suffer when playing the game.

Finally, the game is too easy to complete. Well, why am I say so? Which is because the game is not challenging. The AI are very weak. A few simple way, already able to counter the civilians. So I hope the developers will come up with the new update for the game, and don’t fail my expectation again.

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3

In the gameplay player have to took long time to wait for the next turn everytime they end the turn. The game should just skip the move of computer and this can save the player time. The player will get bored when keep playing for this game because the game only play in almost the same way and the AI too easy to defeat. The company should develop more intelligent Ai and maybe the can introduce some new playing method in the game like make the winner for those who first reach some amount of resource.The game battle make it bored because it is using turn base control. The battle game can be modify to realtime battle and maybe can set the unit attack speed depend on the the state of each unit.

reference website : http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/heroes3/heroesofmightandmagic3iii.shtml

by Lee Waei jiun (16405)

Need For Speed Pro Street

The game I dislike is Need For Speed Pro Street by EA Games . Need for speed games are usually the highlight of every gamers year, and when Prostreet came out everyone was expecting big things. The graphics are good, I can honestly say that the cars were nicely done. The sound effects were not misplaced either, but I would like to hear some more "loud car" effects. But the disspointing point is it is the track racing concept.

The original concept of need for speed is about street racing . This is the point that attract player to play need for speed . But , since pro street version , the whole concept of need for speed is changing . Pro street is focus on track racing , this cause player lost intrest to continue playing need for speed . In track racing concept , cant show out the unique style of need for speed . There have many restrictions in track racing . In market already have many type of circuit racing game such as Nascar Racing , Juiced and many more . Need For Speed have a high rating because of the unique street racing concept . In track racing cannot bring out the potential of a sport car .

EA Games should focus back on the street racing concept so that player will continue play Need For Speed . EA Games should make Need For Speed more special and unique with the street racing concept . Need For Speed games still have many space to improve , if EA Games persists the street racing concept , they will get more support from the player and from the market .

By : KEK KEN LEE ( 16720 )

Transformers 2

The worst game that I have ever played will be transformers 2. Although it is rated an average game I still think the game deserves a lower rating.

The main point why I think the game is bad is because the games storyline isn’t the same as the movies. It’s like u are playing another game with the same characters. Furthermore it’s a transformers game so the robots in the game are suppose to be able to transform to their vehicle form at any time. But in transformers 2 u can only transform when u hit a button but all it only does is some action move and then it transforms back into its robot mode. I would sincerely prefer the robot could maintain its vehicle form until u hit another button to transform it back.

Besides, the game has bugs. The game is always crashing with other programs when you play it. That makes it so lag that u can barely play it. Imagine you are fighting with a boss in the game and you are about to win, suddenly your game crashed what will you feel? Angry for sure.

Another thing is the AI in the game are all the same. I would prefer different AI for both sides the good (autobots) and evil(decepticon). And guess what? They are even in the same colour. The games cutscene isn’t matching as of the movies. For example, Optimus prime the leader of the autobots is suppose to be killed by megatrone but instead he is only wounded. Theres more, the main character in the movie isn’t included in the game.
These are the reasons why I dislike Transformers 2 game. But I believe theres more from the other players.

Assassin's Creed

The game I dislike is Assassin’s Creed by Ubisoft & Electronic Arts. Although it was an overall great game, there are some things which could have been improved, and some faults which shouldn’t happen.

My main complaint about the game is that it gets repetitive. In order to attempt the assassination, the player must perform a series of ‘investigation’ quests beforehand to get more information on the target. Though it was fun the first time around, the quests are rinsed and repeated. Which ranges from saving a citizen, bribing someone, killing a guard, and eavesdropping. This I believe can be improved by adding more variety to these ‘investigation’ quests.

Another thing is the way you evade enemy guards. The AI for the guards is somewhat stupid, as they won’t know that you’re the assassin even if you’re sitting on a bench right in front of them. This is more of a glaring flaw to me, as its almost too easy to avoid detection. Which takes away most of the fun in the game. This can be resolved by some AI improvements, such as checking the regular hiding spots and asking the local NPCs for any information regarding the assassin/player.

My final complaint is that there are some cases where the game will crash and display some visual tearing. I noticed during my playthroughs that on some occasions the game will crash after an extended period of time. Furthermore, on some occasions, there are some missing textures and some visual tearing. I think faults such as these shouldn’t occur for a game of this caliber.

Khoo Teng Jinn

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Team Gamerz

Team member: Tan Siong Zhe, Lim Yuk Min, Wang Heng Kwang
Game start scene
1. -Game start(enter the game)
2. -Continue(load previous unfinished game)
3. -Score(the best score recorded)
4. -Help
5. -Option
6. –Exit(Quit the game)

Game Start
7. Adventure mode
8. Mini Game
9. Multiplayer

10. Continue from the previous unfinished play stage

11. Place where record top 10 best score ever make

12. Help is making to teach player how to play the game, the control command and special function.
13. It also prepared some demo stage to allow user for some basic training

14. You can set up the game difficult here. Exp beginner, easy, hard, insane.
15. Texture detail.
16. Window mode or full screen.


Adventure mode
Stage 1 ( Teleport mode)
1. This game we going to play using dice.
2. There are 5 color kinds square (Green, Black, Red, Yellow and Blue).
3. When you steps on black color square, instantly you will be warp to the nearby black color square.
4. If player step on the square that got one people digging. It will stop user from take turn for 3 rounds.
5. You need to roll accurate the right value in order to finish this stage.
6. Example if you left 4 steps to complete the stage, but you roll a 6. Mean you will fall back 2 steps. While the step color you step on will warp you behind nearly same color square.

Stage 2(Math mode)
1. After you finished stage 1, you will come to stage 2. In stage 2 there are all about math( plus = +, minus= - , times= * , divide = /)
2. There are 3 paths; left path is all about minus math. The path is longer and easy but more math encounter.
3. While right path is about plus math. The path is equal longer as left path. The math is easy but more math encounter.
4. Middle path is shorter in order to finish the game, and the calculation need to make is more difficult but lesser math encounter.
5. In order to move in this game not dice, player need to select their path. And to move them need to answer the question. If player success to answer the question, them will move forward 1 step. Else them will not move until next round until them answer the question.

Stage 3(Word mode)
1. Stage 3 is about word typing.
2. In order to move, player need to type in the word that will appear on screen as fast as possible. The word only will stay for 6sec.
3. If player successes to type the word, then player allow rolling the dice else player can’t roll in that round.
Mini Game
Disappear square

1. This game got 7 square which contain (blue, yellow, green, purple, red, black, orange) color
2. This game we going to use the arrow key in order to play.

3. Any of the color square will getting invisible and disappear, player who step on it will fall and lose the game.
4. So in this game player need to react faster, once the square that step on going disappear, quickly make their move.
5. The game will go faster and the square will disappear more faster if winner haven’t decided after some times.

Outlook when the stage haven’t started

Sample outlook when the yellow square going disappear

6. All the adventure can be player in multiplayer mode, player can compete each other to fight for the champion.
7. The score method when in multiplayer is champion gain 10 point; runner up 5 point, for third only got 3 point. Rest 0 point.
8. If your score break any top 10 best score record, you will be ask to record your name inside.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

WARZ (working title) - a board game

Our game is based on hopscotch, but with a battle element thrown in.

Elements brought in from hopscotch

  • Jumping nodes
  • Claiming nodes as one’s own

There can be a maximum of 3 players maximum and the player needs at least another opponent to play. Each territory our game board represents a fictional geographical location on the battlefield. As such, the territory borders are drawn to define the geography of those
regions. Our game also uses an area movement game mechanic as implanted by Risk.

But instead of armies , our game uses ‘nodes’ with different attack and defense ‘stats’ which can be conquered and used against other factions.

Players continue conquering territories and ‘nodes’ until two territories of a different faction are adjacent to each other, whereby the game enters battle phase. The last faction which makes a move becomes the attacker and the other a defender. The faction with a intact territory wins.

When attacking, the attacker may choose from air, ground or sea attacks which have different bonuses to cater to the kind of territory they are attacking. Before the battle phase
starts, both players may chose to draw ‘Fate Cards’ which may have positive or negative
effects The attacking faction rolls a dice, and the number becomes the attacker’s attacking
force, after which all relevant bonuses are added to it.

The defender rolls the dice and like the attacker, all relevant bonuses are added to it. The attacker’s attack is considered successful if it is larger than the defender’s number. If he attack is successful, then the node is taken and added to the attacker’s territories.

Explanation of attack-defense mechanics:

As in real warfare, certain positions are considered more ‘strategic’ than others, and some places might be good for holding out against some kinds of attacks.

As in the Battle of Hastings in 1066, King Harold of England led his troops up a hill to defend against a Norman attack. This was because he knew that the Norman archers who could easily wipe out his infantry under normal battle conditions. However, shooting uphill, the Norman archer’s effectiveness was greatly reduced and gave Harold a fighting chance.

We plan to implement this ‘choice’ in our gameplay by offering different stats or characteristics to the different nodes/territories in our game. This way, players might rush for a strategic asset and hold the line, or choose whatever mode of attack which suits the target (enemy territory).

How we do this is by implementing the attack /defense mechanism. We thought the armies of ‘Risk’ were realistic, but more complicated to play. What we were aiming for was something easy to pick up, yet gave the player the chance to make strategic choices.

The Attack/Defense System

As mentioned before, the battlefield will be full of territories, each of which have different stats or bonuses for each mode of attack.

Assuming the attacker had a 3+ bonus in air, he could use the air attacks as the bonus gives him 3+ attacking power. But if the defender had 2+ defensive bonus, he might forgo a chance of having a larger attack in favor of another mode of attack which the defender has less bonus instead.(which might have a higher chance of actually winning.)

Summary of game events:

  1. Players expand territories by claiming them. Players roll dice to determine who picks first. Players can only pick territories adjacent to their own territory, in effect expanding their territory.
  2. Once a faction claims a territory next to another territory or node belonging to another faction, battle phase starts.
  3. The faction who moves into the node adjacent to another faction’s territory is considered the attacker.
  4. The attacker chooses from 3 modes of attack – air, ground and sea- each of which having different bonuses.
  5. The attacker then chooses whether or not to draw a ‘Fate Card’.
  6. Attacker rolls dice to determine base attack score and all bonuses are added.
  7. The defender is forced to use whichever mode of defense according to the attacker. (eg: attacked using air, defend using air.)
  8. The defender then chooses whether or not to draw a ‘Fate Card’.
  9. Defender rolls dice to determine base defense score and all bonuses are added.
  10. If the attacker’s total attack score is higher, the territory is considered overrun and claimed by the attacker.
  11. Cycle runs until only one faction is left.


Attacker’s Stats:

Air 3+

Ground 2+

Sea 1+

Defender’s Stats:

Air 2+

Ground 0+

Sea 3+

Attacker has 3+ bonus in air attacks.

Defender has 2+ bonus in air defense.

If the attacker had used the air attacks and rolled a 4 and the defender had rolled a 5.

Attacker’s total attacking score: 4 + 3 = 7

Defender’s total defensive score : 5 + 2 = 7

This leaves them evenly matched as the attacker’s bonus is just 1.

However, if the player were to take into account that the defender had +0 bonus in ground

defense, he could actually use ground attacks to get a +2 advantage over the defender,

compared to the +1 of his strongest attack - air attacks.

Sorry for all the delays, we are aware that we are WAAYYY behind schedule, but i hope you can bear with us for just a little longer.. We shall be posting up the Maps and more rules on gameplay and Fate Cards.

-Chan Hwa Ta

Thursday, April 23, 2009