Thursday, September 17, 2009

Checker Board Games

Title : Checker Board Game
Creator : Christopher Chew
Year : 2009
Genre : Board Game

General Rules :
1. This game is play by 2 player , 1 player choose 1 color to start the game either is white color or black color , it have 64 small square boxes inside the checker board .
2. Player will given 12 disks to play the game and also a coin to flip see who will be attack 1st .

The Game Rules :
1. In official games, five minutes are allowed for each move. In the case where there is only one possible jump available, the player has only one minute in which to make it.
2. Before the first move is made, either player can adjust the position of any piece on the board.
3. All jumping moves are compulsory. Every opportunity to jump must be taken.
4. When a player’s piece lands in one of the squares at the far end of the board, its move ends there and it becomes a king.
5. A player wins by either capturing all of the other player’s pieces or putting them into a position where they cannot move.
6. After it is decided who makes the first move, neither player is allowed to leave the board without the permission from the other player.
7. Tourneys played under the straight ‘Knock-out’ style of play shall consist of as many games as are found necessary to eliminate one of the contestants.
8. Both state that any dispute that these rules don’t cover should be decided by a “disinterested arbiter” who has knowledge of the game and that arbiter’s decision shall be final.

Final Description :
Checkerboard lets you play checkers against your computer against different opponents. The built-in AI engine plays checkers at superhuman strength with an huge opening book and endgame databases with perfect knowledge of all positions with 6 pieces or less (8-piece database available as optional download). You can save, load, analyze and publish games. Further goodies are a database of grandmaster games and a checkers tutorial by English grandmaster Richard Pack. The database is searchable by player name or by position. Engines for other checkers variants (Italian, Spanish) are also available.

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